Jamie Shields

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Registered Blind AuDHD Rhino

Hi, My name's Jamie. I’m a self-described Registered Blind AuDHD Rhino, Rhinos are just chubby unicorns with bad eyesight, don’t believe me, google it! They really do have bad eyesight. I was born with a hereditary eye condition called Ocular Albinism with Nystagmus. Or in non-medical terms, I am the same as an albino, only with pigmentation, and my eyes like to go for uncontrolled walks or dances. I spent years being Disabled by society. As an adult, I was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD, which finally helped me see things a little clearer, excuse the pun. We live in a society that Disables. A society that views Disability as a problem to solve, rather than part of the human experience and part of the Solution. I am listed as one of the 100 most Influential Disabled People in the UK, I’m an award-winning ERG Lead and I’m passionate about using my lived experience to create change. Just like a rhino can change an ecosystem I believe Disabled People can change the cultures that Disable us.

March 19, 2024

CMCL Interview: Jamie Shields

Julie and Jamie have a conversation about the current state of disability employment in both the UK and in the US. They discuss how government policies and shortcomings are affecting the global disability community and delve into what employers can do to be genuinely impactful in disability inclusi…
Guest: Jamie Shields